

TCCCC 有便利的手機短訊服務來提醒或通知你任何聚會時間/地點的變更,以及任何有關下雪停


有興趣者, 可以傳遞短訊到 24587,短訊內容 T4CAlert ,你就可以開始由手機收到短訊。

如果要退出短訊服務,請傳遞短訊到 24587, 短訊內容 stop

TCCCC 的短訊服務是為了提供有關聚會 “變更” 的消息或者與平常聚會不同的消息


  • 教會聚會因暴風雪或其他原因臨時取消
  • 冬季下雪特殊停車規則
  • 教會聚會地點與時間不同(比如說,夏令會聚會地點/時間或 感恩聚會地點/時間)

TCCCC 的短訊服務”不會” 提供特別聚會的細節,教會的網頁會提供特別聚會的最新信息


  • 聖誕節特別聚會
  • 受浸典禮
  • 其他特別聚會或教會投票會議

如果有問題,建議或者技術性的困難,請寄電郵到 computer@tcccc.org


For reminders and notifications of service cancellation, changes in service times/locations, and snow emergencies, TCCC has a texting service that can allow you to receive an update via your cellphone texts.

Signing up for our TCCCC texting service through your cell phone is very simple:
Text T4CAlert to the phone number 24587   To stop receiving updates, simply send the text stop to 24587

Our intention for setting up this texting account that it is ONLY intended to send updates whenever there is a change in the normal church schedule.

For example, we will send a text message under these circumstances:

  • Cancelling church due to blizzard or other emergencies
  • Special parking rules due to snow emergency
  • Church service moved to different location (i.e. summer conference or thanksgiving service)
    • In this case we will also mention the new service time and address

We will NOT send you a text message for events such as:

  • Christmas service
  • Baptism services
  • Congregational votes
  • Special celebrations

For those events, please check back onto the church website for updated event details.

Questions, comments or technical difficulties can be sent to computer@tcccc.org